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Posted by Rafael on 17:32:56 09/04/07
Cape Florida had some movement during the morning, enough to keep one looking from bush to tree 3 hours straight.
The sky was over-swept by Barn Swallows, with plenty of Banks and a dash of Chimney Swifts to make it exciting; a single Cliff Swallow was seen.
Large flocks of Eastern Kingbirds were restless.
The most numerous warbler by far was Prairie; it was not uncommon throughout the park to find plenty of bushes with 3 or 4 simultaneous individuals.
Other warbler species sighted included:
A handful of Northern Parulas; adults and 1st year-types represented.
A pair of female-type Black-throated Blues.
Black-and-whites; males, females, and 1st year birds.
American Redstart; 1 male
Northern Waterthrush
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler; 1 male
Yellow-throated Warbler
And an uncooperative Vermivora-type drabster deep in a tangle of mid-height buttonwoods; its uniform gray-green plumage had me stutter Orange-crowned?? although it is all too early in the season. Unfortunately I did not get second looks, and the bird shall forever remain a mystery.
Other notable birds included:
A female Merlin perched on a tree, plucking away at Barn Swallow (just imagine what it takes to catch a Barn Swallow in flight ).
A light phase Short-tailed Hawk perched on a nearby pole allowed for great looks.
Cooper s Hawk
Royal Tern
Gull-billed Tern
Bobolink flying overhead in loose strings
Brown Thrasher
Red-eyed Vireos
I was fortunate to have the company of Angel and Mariel, who had also headed towards the coast, enticed by David s great radar postings (http://badbirdz2.wordpress.com). It might have not been the migration kicker we were hoping for, but it was nice to spend time with friends excited about the coming season.
I ll stay out of herp discussions due to my ignorance, but some very interesting lizards were sighted throughout.
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