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Posted by Jeff Weber on 07:57:27 09/05/07
In Reply to: Cape Florida posted by Rafael
On the TAS birdwalk at Cape Florida last Saturday, we saw both Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana) and Ameivas, or Jungle Runners (Ameiva ameiva) - and possibly you saw the same. The iguanas were all young ones, about a 12 or 15 in. long. The Ameivas are South American and relatives of the very large Tegu lizards. They forage actively through the leaf litter, and when disturbed, they run incredibly fast (sometimes bipedally). The Ameivas we saw were very colorful, with cobalt blue heads and bright turquoise tails. We also saw some Bark Anoles, which look like Brown Anoles, but with darker overall coloration, a pot-bellied look and shorter snouts. Hope that helps.
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