Pelagic Bird Alert 2

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Posted by David Simpson on 13:04:35 06/17/07

Hi y'all,

I managed to hit Jupiter Inlet and Deerfield Beach Fishing Pier looking for shearwaters this morning. There were 30 birds in 15 minutes at Jupiter Inlet and 50 birds in 30 minutes at Deerfield Beach. The birds at Jupiter Inlet were very close and identifiable. The birds at Deerfiled Beach were far off and mostly unidentifiable to species. All identified birds were Greater and were heading south.

Given that this phenomenon does not appear to be wind driven (the easterly winds up north were not unusually intense) and that the first sightings were last Wednesday, it might be worth checking points further south or getting offshore. It looks as if the birds may be veering further offshore (or the shore is veering away from them) as the movement gets further south. Given that they seem to fly less in the afternoon and evening, it may be harder to see them from shore in the later afternoon.

You never know until you try.

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