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Posted by Scott on 16:42:35 06/17/07
In Reply to: Pelagic Bird Alert 2 posted by David Simpson
I went to the Juno Pier just south of Jupiter today and was amazed to find Greater Shearwaters so close to the pier. There was a group of five of them that were sitting in the water, floating very close to the pier, then they floated UNDER the pier, and over to the other side. There was about 100 people there, fishing, and the Greater Shearwaters were trying to feed from the bait fish, causing alot of frustation to the fisherman. One Greater Shearwater wouldnt let go of the baitfish and was being reeled in. He did finally let go. At first, I thought he was caught by a hook. This was my first look at Shearwaters, and as I was going through my Sibley guide, one of the kids who was fishing asked me "Are you trying to figure out what that birds is?", I said, yes, He replied, "Those are Shearwater Seagulls".
I also saw a Juvenile Northern Gannett, Royal Terns, Brown Pelicans, and a Fish Crow.
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