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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 22:57:16 01/15/07
B.A.B. arrived at the campground on the C loop about 30 minutes before sunrise to look for the Short-eared Owl. We heard Barred Owl and the Short-eared Owl, but didn't see either.
We then headed to ECO Pond and found the Salt Marsh Sharp-tail Sparrow that Bryant posted seeing along with the Greater Scaup. There were also many waders including a fly-over by a Reddish Egret. There were plenty of shorebirds as well.
We went looking for the Western Kingbirds, Scissor-tail Flycatchers and Orioles. We found all but the Orioles. We also found a Shiny Cowbird, Bronzed Cowbird and Brown-headed Cowbirds in a mixed flock with Starlings in trees along the road by the visitor center.
Next we walked the Coastal Prairie Trail following Bryant's posted path and found many sparrows including Savannah, Grasshopper, Clay Colored, White-Crowned, Swamp and several Dickcissel and Bobolink.
On our way back off the trail at the B.A.Button Wood tree just before the short walk through the hammock area we found two Great Crested and a Brown Crested Flycatcher along with a small flock of warblers.
We missed out on seeing the Vermillion Flycatcher after looking for an hour or so in the reported location and the surrounding area.
It was a beautiful day for birding.
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