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Posted by Hawker on 13:44:51 02/19/08
In Reply to: Re: STA-5 Tour Results 02/18/2008 with Greater Flamingo still present posted by Vince Lucas
The first two canvasbacks I glassed when I was by Tricia were definitely males. If the seven you saw were all females that would bring the total to at least nine. The canvasbacks were long sought lifers for both me and Mossy.
I love using my 12 X 42 Vortex Vipers at the STAs. You can really get some reach with those cannons and they still close focus to 5.1 feet for the small stuff. I used them at the Daytona 500 on Sunday. I have been to 28 of those races and this was by far the best experience visually. Good optics make a big difference while birding and at sporting / entertainment events.
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