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Posted by Bill Boeringer on 10:11:11 05/10/07
In Reply to: Sadowski Update 5/10: Those pesky Connecticuts! posted by Toe
It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows my history with "that ___ bird" that I did not find the Mourning Warbler at Sadowski between 0640 and 0850. There were scores of other warblers, though: Redstarts, Ovenbirds, Blackpolls, BT Blues, Parulas, Common Yellowthroats, and a lone B&W. Also seen were Red-eyed Vireo, 2 Gray-cheeked Thrushes, and several Least Terns on the canal.
I did find a second male Connecticut Warbler(ho-hum) right at the start of the nature trail near the bird feeders. This is very close to where Toe had the Mourning yesterday. At first I thought: maybe...maybe...but ultimately no, because at this point no self-respecting Mourning Warbler is going to allow me to see it...
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