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Posted by Elsa on 00:44:02 02/04/07
In a parking lot at Everglades NP on Friday, a red-shouldered hawk was pecking (or scratching?) its reflection on the back window of a pickup truck. Wishing to have him not hurt itself (or the truck) I calmly walked up to it, expecting it to fly away. To my surprise, he did not. Instead he stood his ground and stared right back at me. I got within half an arms length and we just stood there!! Because the silence was now awkward (hee hee) I spoke softly to him (in Spanish), telling him to chill out, that he would only hurt himself, because it was just a reflection. He seemed to listen intently, and must have thought it over because he left, and left me forever wondering how I can be so lucky. By the way, he had no bands. Has anyone else ever had an experience like this? Are they normally so brave?
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