2021 Archive
unknown bird. - Steven Selub 07/26/21 23:50:23 (1)
- Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator, unknown bird. - Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator 07/26/21 23:50:23 (1)
Barred owl at Green Cay. - Justin Miller 07/26/21 13:57:37 (0)
100 percent certain....Golden Eagle. - Stacy Wolfe 07/20/21 00:35:04 (2)
- Toe, 100 percent certain....Golden Eagle. - Toe 07/20/21 00:35:04 (2)
- Stacy Wolfe, 100 percent certain....Golden Eagle. - Stacy Wolfe 07/20/21 00:35:04 (2)
Broward Weston, Vireo ID help. - Steven Kaplan 07/18/21 22:31:25 (2)
- Brian Rapoza, Broward Weston, Vireo ID help. - Brian Rapoza 07/18/21 22:31:25 (2)
- Steven Kaplan, Broward Weston, Vireo ID help. - Steven Kaplan 07/18/21 22:31:25 (2)
Congrats to Luis Gles on Zone-tailed Hawk Isla. - Juan Valadez 05/30/21 04:00:22 (0)
Arctic Terns still at Boynton Beach Inlet. - Greg Jones 05/29/21 21:03:14 (0)
June challenge 2021. - Steven Kaplan 05/21/21 21:50:47 (1)
- Brian Rapoza, June challenge 2021. - Brian Rapoza 05/21/21 21:50:47 (1)
Bird sighting West Hollywood, FL. - Lynne Duffy 05/19/21 21:05:05 (2)
- Brian Rapoza, Bird sighting West Hollywood, FL. - Brian Rapoza 05/19/21 21:05:05 (2)
- Lynne Duffy, Bird sighting West Hollywood, FL. - Lynne Duffy 05/19/21 21:05:05 (2)
ID Confirmation, Please!. - JDH 05/09/21 01:12:58 (4)
- JDH, ID Confirmation, Please!. - JDH 05/09/21 01:12:58 (4)
- Brian Rapoza, ID Confirmation, Please!. - Brian Rapoza 05/09/21 01:12:58 (4)
- JDH, ID Confirmation, Please!. - JDH 05/09/21 01:12:58 (4)
- Marc Kramer, ID Confirmation, Please!. - Marc Kramer 05/09/21 01:12:58 (4)
Warbers in May?. - Tom Friedel 05/07/21 22:03:24 (1)
- Brian Rapoza, Warbers in May?. - Brian Rapoza 05/07/21 22:03:24 (1)
Mass and Celebration of Life for Paul Bithorn on May 8. - Brian Rapoza 04/27/21 22:49:19 (0)
Ruff at Peaceful Waters Sanctuary, Wellington, Palm Beach. - Toe 04/07/21 20:54:25 (0)
Albino Mockingbird. - Trisha M. 04/07/21 00:05:36 (0)
Leucistic Mockingbird-Boynton Beach. - kurt d. 03/31/21 03:55:39 (2)
- Trisha M., Leucistic Mockingbird-Boynton Beach. - Trisha M. 03/31/21 03:55:39 (2)
- Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator, Leucistic Mockingbird-Boynton Beach. - Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator 03/31/21 03:55:39 (2)
Paul Bithorn. - Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator 03/27/21 20:54:09 (5)
- Vincent Lucas, Paul Bithorn. - Vincent Lucas 03/27/21 20:54:09 (5)
- Toe, Paul Bithorn. - Toe 03/27/21 20:54:09 (5)
- Dorothy Robbins, Paul Bithorn. - Dorothy Robbins 03/27/21 20:54:09 (5)
- James Sigsbee, Paul Bithorn. - James Sigsbee 03/27/21 20:54:09 (5)
- Bill Boeringer, Paul Bithorn. - Bill Boeringer 03/27/21 20:54:09 (5)
Parrot field trip ?. - Dotty Robbins 03/18/21 13:15:36 (4)
- Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator, Parrot field trip ?. - Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator 03/18/21 13:15:36 (4)
- Dorothy Robbins, Parrot field trip ?. - Dorothy Robbins 03/18/21 13:15:36 (4)
- Jimmy Woodard, Parrot field trip ?. - Jimmy Woodard 03/18/21 13:15:36 (4)
- Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator, Parrot field trip ?. - Brian Rapoza, TAS Field Trip Coordinator 03/18/21 13:15:36 (4)
Predator guard recommendation . - Ricardo Rovira 03/16/21 13:57:25 (0)
Screech owl babies in SOMI. - Ricardo R 03/16/21 02:19:14 (0)
Wood ducks at Peaceful Waters. - Justin Miller 03/15/21 15:33:09 (0)
Green Cay Wetlands - bitterns, snipe, sora, more. - Justin Miller 03/15/21 15:29:00 (0)
Swallow-tail Kites. - Jim Harris 03/10/21 13:20:57 (0)
macaws. - Stacy Wolfe 02/10/21 15:31:42 (0)
Whip-poor-will back at Green Cay for 2 weeks now. - Justin Miller 02/09/21 18:19:43 (4)
- David S Hall, Whip-poor-will back at Green Cay for 2 weeks now. - David S Hall 02/09/21 18:19:43 (4)
- Barbara DeWitt, Whip-poor-will back at Green Cay for 2 weeks now. - Barbara DeWitt 02/09/21 18:19:43 (4)
- Justin Miller, Whip-poor-will back at Green Cay for 2 weeks now. - Justin Miller 02/09/21 18:19:43 (4)
- Barbara DeWitt, Whip-poor-will back at Green Cay for 2 weeks now. - Barbara DeWitt 02/09/21 18:19:43 (4)
2020 Kendall Christmas Bird Count Results. - Bill Boeringer 01/18/21 16:04:59 (0)
1/2/21 Coot Bay (Everglades National Park) CBC Results. - Brian Rapoza 01/07/21 21:47:37 (0)
Aerojet Road. - Jim Sigsbee 01/07/21 20:17:55 (0)
Neotropic Cormorant. - Jim Sigsbee 01/06/21 15:57:21 (4)
- Brian Rapoza, Neotropic Cormorant. - Brian Rapoza 01/06/21 15:57:21 (4)
- Justin Miller, Neotropic Cormorant. - Justin Miller 01/06/21 15:57:21 (4)
- Justin Miller, Neotropic Cormorant. - Justin Miller 01/06/21 15:57:21 (4)
- Jim Duquesnel, Neotropic Cormorant. - Jim Duquesnel 01/06/21 15:57:21 (4)
Shiny Cowbird. - Jim Sigsbee 01/03/21 15:24:07 (2)
- Brian Rapoza, Shiny Cowbird. - Brian Rapoza 01/03/21 15:24:07 (2)
- Jim Sigsbee, Shiny Cowbird. - Jim Sigsbee 01/03/21 15:24:07 (2)