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Posted by morgan.churchill on 18:37:51 11/24/11
Visiting from Laramie, WYoming, I have been spending the last few days running around your area on a mad dash search for birds: Here are the results so far, in hopes they might be useful for visiting birds or who knows, maybe locals evne:
Old Griffin road: dipped on Ani after maybe an hour of search in the afternoon. Anyone seen the Ani(s) in the last couple of months? Did have a brief glimpsed of some Aratinga parakeets
11/23/11: Palm Beach area
Wakodahatchee: Great views of Purple Gallinule
Green Cay: Dipped on Limpkin and Cinnamon Teal, but good views of Sora, Purple Gallinule and Marsh Rabbit
Loxahatchee: Before entering the park, got a 45 mile and hour drive by view of a limpkin along a nearby canal. Dipped on Snail Kite, but added Florida Mottled Duck to the trip list and Eastern Screech Owl in a nest box. Also had a probable Clay-colored Sparrow, although it disappeared before confirmation.
Markham Park/Tamarac on Hiatus road: complete dips on Snail Kite and Purple Swamphen. I generally found that the bird activity dies down a lot after 10. Is this a fair assessment?
Managed to add Spot-breasted Oriole to the lifelist with ridiculous ease at the University of Miami. Literally stepped out of the car and had one fly into the top of a palm.
Muscovy Duck was present both at the former location as well as at the Kendall Baptist Hospital. Also had an enormous flock of what appeared to be Mitred Parakeet at the Baptist Hospital.
Dipped completely on White-chevroned Parakeet along LeJeune, although did pick out some distant Parakeet chatter at point.
Dipped on Red-whiskered Bulbul, largely because I got lost. Will be updating my phone to an I-phone with mapping capability my next time around.
Visited Crandon Gardens (mostly for lizards). Did get a nice mixed flock of warblers, including Black-throated Blue, Northern Parula, Black-and-White, and American Redstart. Also had a Jaegar sp from the bridge.
Ended the birding day with Common Myna at the McDonald's Homestead US-1, where I enjoyed my T-day dinner of a Big Mac.
Hitting Flamingo area of Everglades tomorrow, and probably Shark Valley the day after. Will let anyone know if I see anything of interest
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