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Posted by Robin Diaz on 13:47:00 03/06/07
Not a bird sighting, but bird related: For those of you not familiar with eBird, below is URL to find out more about it. It was launched in 2002 by Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society as a means to gather information on bird populations, migration and birding spots. The introduction tells what it is, how to use it (easy) and why it's important. Participants automatically set up their own personal data account.
As with any database, its quality is only as good as the weakest record. eBird addressed this issue and second URL is about the new filters and controls in place to keep the data "clean."
I bring this to the attention of TASers because when perusing A.D. Barnes data, I discovered that few data sets have been entered since 1992. As we know, Barnes is a gem for birders, yielding many rare and excellent birds as well as a great morning or afternoon of birding. Take a look to see if you are interested in setting up your own favorite spot (can be your yard) or adding data to Hot Spots already established.
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