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Posted by Bill Pranty on 21:02:16 02/25/07
In Reply to: Re: birdie bling at the beach-pic here posted by tricia
Hi Tricia,
Piping Plover it is, and one banded in Chile. (You can find out all about auxiliary markers at (http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/BBL/homepage/aboutaux.htm#colorleg).
Some authors may want to shoot me, but unless you must have every bird book that is published -- or you want to be able to identify every single individual of every species, with feather-by-feather detail -- most birders don't need most of the "specialty guides" such as shorebirds, raptors, sparrows, etc.
For most birders, especially those just starting out one of the two great field guides -- those by National Geographic Society (5th edition, 2006) or David Sibley (eastern guide, 2003) is all you need.
Best regards,
Bill Pranty
Bayonet Point, Florida
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