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Posted by Marcello Gomes on 12:27:04 05/28/14
While I was driving to West Boynton around 8pm last night at about 40mph, I had to swerve to avoid killing a feathered friend. With the corner of my eye I saw a bird launching to the road to grab something (insect probably). I have seen tons of Northern Mockingbirds do the same behavior. The bird had a broad face and layed low on the road. I personally, have never see a Common Nighthawk displaying such behavior before. There was a red-eye reflection on the bird's eye. I am thinking it may have been an Eastern Whip-poor-will. Has anyone had similar experience. Do they hunt like that?
As far as other birds sighting one Spot-breasted Oriole was the best bird from the more common ones. It posed alright and right out in the open. What a beauty!
There were about a dozen Magnificent Frigatebird near the shore and others chasing Fishing boats way out in the distance. Saw several large groups of Sanderlings over the ocean heading to breeding grounds or at least north of us.
That's all for now folks!
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