Re: Babybirds

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Posted by John Boyd on May 30, 2002 at 20:02:19:

In Reply to: Babybirds posted by David La Passmore on May 29, 2002 at 12:48:21:

: "Isn't it neat how our Florida birds are already feeding fledgelings while many other birds are just reaching their northern breeding grounds?" -Michelle Davis

: Forget all the exotics for a few more weeks, the "Puppy Days of Summer" are at hand! Some birds we saw raising young this past memorial day:
: (HY = Hatch Year)

Why forget about exotics. I heard a bird call I didn't recognize near the parking lot at FIU. Tracking it down, I found it was the begging call of a HY Spot-breasted Oriole. Two adults were also present.

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