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Posted by Justin Miller on 01:16:16 02/24/13
In Reply to: Green Cay and Wakodahatchee Wetlands (23 Feb) posted by Carlos Sanchez
I was also at Green Cay Feb 23, and wanted to add a few - I was likely there later than Carlos as I didn't get there until 2pm - fortunately it became very active later in the day.
Two american bitterns were hanging out together (haven't seen that before) near the end of the pond trail. Lots of tree swallows circling, two belted kingfishers spotted fishing near there. Red-shouldered hawk (2), and northern harrier (1) were also spotted. In the Chickee Hut tree stand, dozens of American robins were eating berries on the tall trees, and were joined by 12-18 cedar waxwings, and probably a dozen yellow-rumped warblers. Two grey catbirds, a downy woodpecker, and a red-bellied woodpecker were also in that same area.
Just before the chickee hut, I spotted some blue-winged teals and noticed one quite different looking - indeed it was a cinnamon-bluewinged hybrid male with what was likely a blue-winged female...I know a hybrid cinnamon/blue was spotted in Green Cay in January, and looking back at those photos it actually looks like a different bird based on the facial patterns - a small white mark just in front of the eye and a thin white line at the bill, with the cheek cinnamon and head blueish black, and bits of green on the back of the neck and back.
Half a dozen sora along the north side, with 2 least bitterns also spotted.
On the way out of the park, many dozens of American robins were all through the east side of the parking lot - not sure if it was the same group from the chickee hut earlier, or if there are so many that this was just part of a much larger flock - if separate groups, they'd have to be numbering in the 200-300 range...quite an odd sight for Green Cay in my many years going there nearly every weekend!
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