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Posted by Bob Kelley on 18:31:51 06/09/05
I was surprised to read in the Herald that anis had been
seen at Pinecrest Gardens. I would like to have more details about this.
PG is now a City of Pinecrestand Miami-Dade County Park. There is no entrance fee unless a special event is being held.
Craig Morell has been working on adding to the plantings
and removed undesirable exotics. I am sure he is interested in knowing about any bird sightings there. I have an E-mail address
of cmorell@pinecrest-fl.gov and a phone number of 305-669-6942.
Dick Cunningham had some good wintering warblers in the parking area in December, 2003(the first year of the Kendall CBC). We were not as lucky last December because it was very windy. The area certainly has a great potential, but my visits there so far have yielded very little( birds or butterflies ).
I have had a reliable report of anis at a home in Palmetto Bay
a few miles south of PG. It would be great if they could make the same sort of comeback as the spot-breated orioles.
Bob Kelley
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