Posted by Michelle Davis on January 28, 2002 at 09:33:32:
David La Puma, Stijn The Hawkwatcher and I were driving to ENP at sunset last week when we were distracted by an owl cruising low over the 'sparrow fields'. We stopped and watched for about a minute until the owl wandered out of sight, and we thought it may be a short-eared but couldn't confirm for certain because it was getting dark. It did seem to be long-winged with buoyant flight. Curious, DLP & I staked out the field on Friday(Jan 25)evening and I caught a glimpse of the bird again, around 615 PM when the sun had been down for probably around 20 minutes. I was trying to rule out Barn owl and based on Sibley's illustrations our bird had much longer, narrower wings and it wasn't so obviously white the couple of times I saw it against a darker background. I'm about 80% certain it is a short-eared. I think anyone who is interested has a good chance of seeing it since both times last week I was by that field just after sunset it was there. Both times it started south of the overgrown fields and worked its way north, foraging. On Friday it was at the far edge of these fields from the highway so you might want to pull into one of the dirt roads to get a better view.
The 'sparrow fields' are at the west side of 217th Ave at and south of the intersection with 344th St. Good luck!