Posted by Ken Schneider on May 02, 2004 at 08:21:19:
We corresponded some time back before my first trip to Florida. We will be leaving our Rosy-finches, mountains and bears in exchange for ibises, lakes and alligators. Our new home will be lakeside in Monaco Cove near the west end of Miramar Parkway. We will be close by our daughter and her family, which at our age assumes more importance than "roughing it" in a big house in the mountains, despite our love for New Mexico and its avifauna.
Here in New Mexico we feed birds all year 'round and only have bears (no House Sparrows, no Starlings or pigeons) to contend with. I'm sure that feeders can be a problem in South Florida. Can you tell me or direct me to information about feeding. Can I attract hummingbirds? Any chance for Painted Buntings (we get Lazuli and Indigo Buntings as well as Blue and Black-headed Grosbeaks on millet here during the summer)? I'm sure we could be deluged by grackles, starlings and pigeons as well as Monk Parakeets. Are there selective methods and seed offerings to minimize the problem ? I want to be a responsible neighbor and do need guidance.
Please feel free to respond to me directly as this is a bit off-topic.
Look forward to meeting all you TAS birders. Visit our Web page at
Kenneth C. and Mary Lou Schneider
Cedar Crest, New Mexico 87008
Voice: (505)281-6470 Cell: (505)263-4955