TAS Broward Trip Report 4-2

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Posted by John Hutchison on 17:31:49 04/02/11

A group of 18 birders started at Markham Park. This was a
day target birds performed on key, but bathrooms were present as per plan ( however the county may not open them). TAS was lucky to have a luxury pavillion for lunch a $250 value at no cost and gourmet entrees abounded.

Markham Park was highlighted by great views of singing Sedge Wren-4. This was a life bird for many. The leader and John Boyd felt we heard Clay-colored Sparrows however we could not confirmed. We also added Yellowlegs (sp), Swamphens -3, Burrowing Owl-3 and Brown Thrasher-2.

Plantation Preserve-Least Bitern-1 (great views), Sora-1 (curtain call views), Broad wing Hawk-1, Spotted
Sandpiper-1, Least Tern-2.

Evergreen cemetery, FTL- the group increased their warbler total to 10. highlighted by Cape May-2, Redstart-2, Parula-4, Northern waterthrush -1, Yellow throated Warbler-1. We also had a Screech Owl -1 in its nest hole waiting at the door for the group (on cue). We added Spot -breasted Oriole-1, Yellow Cr night Heron -1,and lastly two in the group spotted a male and female Goldfinch.

All in all, thanks to a great group on energetic birders that worked to get all levels of birders great views of all target birds. Many thanks to our TAS core. To Audrey-good birding in NC.
And yes Paul you missed it "Life is Good".

Total -68 Species and as a post -script, I announce Smooth-billed Ani expired from Griffin Rd areas. For future reference , I know of no place anymore in Broward to look for this species and expect a sighting.

John Hutchison
Trip Leader

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