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Posted by Vincent Lucas on 21:01:54 02/17/11
In Reply to: Collier County Birding posted by Audrey OBX NC
You can see most of the birds Audrey mentioned from the Marsh Trail @ Ten Thousand Islands NWR & the Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk (especially the eagles) here:
I was there yesterday, February 16th. I also saw these warblers on the Marsh Trail, TTINWR: Prairie, Palm, Yellow-rumped, Black-and-white, Northern Waterthrush (at the boar ramp near the weather station at the end of the trail), Common Yellowthroat & American Redstart. I dipped for the third time on the Cuban Yellow Warbler reported independently by several birders during the month of January. While playing the Screech-Owl on my iPod for the Yellow Warbler, an Eastern Screech-Owl answered back about 200 yards from the end of the Marsh Trail. That was Collier County bird #157 for the year. Unbeknown to me, the [Ft. Myers] Caloosa Bird Club found a Virginia Rail near the observation tower earlier in the week on Monday on their way to the Everglades N.P. for a 2-3 day field trip. I had played my iPod for King Rail there and heard what I thought was a Virginia Rail but I wasn't sure. I played Virginia Rail but the bird never showed itself and stopped responding so I didn't count that bird for my Collier County Big Year. I also dipped on the Yellow-breasted Chat (3rd time) and Great Horned Owl (on an Osprey nest) in Everglades City. The Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk was pretty dead. No Bell's Vireo that was reported there the day before. Question for Audrey. . . . Did you see any Shiny Cowbirds or even Brown-headed Cowbirds in with the Bronzed Cowbirds at Eagle Lakes as reported there on one of the listservs? I have not seen either of these birds there.
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