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Posted by John Hutchison on 10:26:44 01/18/09
In Reply to: Black throated Gray Warbler posted by John Hutchison
After 30 minutes this AM I relocated the Black Throated Gray warbler. I parked in the Sperion Bld, directly opposite the main drive of the business there is a light pole and a large heavy foliated tree just inside the fence of the restoration area. The BTGW was at eye level 15 ft from the fence. "Goosebump" views, the necklace is near complete. The bird once again was feeding with a large mixed flock gnatcathers, vireos, warblers including Black/White and Parula. No one was there to enjoy this bird and I didnt have a camera although a great shot would have been possible with my cheap camera. This will be hard to see on monday the area is very busy during the weekdays.
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