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Posted by Rafael Gálvez on 20:18:53 10/24/08
Inspired by recent reports of Lesser Nighthawks by Juan Valadez and Bryant Roberts, I went to see if this species was still reliable at the Dump Marsh. At around 6:45pm two Lesser Nighthawks flew no more than 25 feet over the west pond. They did not linger for long but gave excellent views. Back a number of years ago when these wetlands were more extensive, it was not unusual to find small flocks of LENI feeding over the water surface during the fall/winter.
A pair of Least Bitterns were calling throughout dusk.
At the east pond, I got brief looks at a King Rail, and soon after heard another.
A beautiful male Merlin was actively feeding on dragonflies; I repeatedly watched it launch from a tall snag in short spurts to return with its prey and devour it while perched. At one point it returned with a Lobber Grasshopper.
Previously I had made a stop at Cutler Wetlands. A single evenly light-pink flamingo rested on one leg. This bird might very well be the same individual found there about 10 days ago.
Many ducks are present, most notably 5 Northern Pintails, 4 non-breeding female types and a single nonbreeding male.
Also there were, in order of density: many Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged Teal, and Mottled Duck.
Shorebirds included:
About 50 nonbreeding Long-billed Dowitchers
Both Yellowlegs species
Various Wilson's Snipes
Western Sandpipers
and Black-necked Stilts.
Peace to all!
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