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Posted by Dan Irizarry on 07:57:36 12/23/07
In Reply to: Re: Kendall CBC - Blackpoint posted by Bill Pranty
This is the bird in question...
Unfortunately, it's not the best picture. I don't know if Trey got any better photos.
I was looking at the Brinkley Field Guide to Birds of North America (National Wildlife Federation). It mentions that Summers are mostly yellow with green tones (or blotches). That's why I said that. Sibley's also says that the eastern Summer Tanager female can be orange to greenish overall. Peterson's says that Summer females are olive to grayish olive above, and dingy mustard yellow below.
That being said, the wing bar is quite noticeable. And the wings do contrast with the body.
Sibley's guide, however, shows a more prominent eye-ring on the Summer, not the Scarlet.
I would welcome anyone's opinion on this!
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