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Posted by Toe on 12:42:36 12/12/07
In Reply to: Re: Great Black-Hawk correction posted by Bill Pranty
That's my fault for not having a camera. The looks that I got, especially in flight at such a close distance, would have aided tremendously in getting the correct ID of this bird. I know it's not worth much, but from these looks the bird appears to be a Great Black Hawk and not a Common Black Hawk as had been suggested in the past. Now, since there are more species than I'm aware of, and with splits and all, I can't be 100% of the ID of what i saw. I am 100% sure on the description of what I saw, since I couldn't have asked for better looks. Despite not being countable, the beauty of this bird and the mystery surrounding it give it a special place on my list. Hopefully, the mystery will be solved this weekend. Or maybe not......
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