Re: Not quite the Cape, but good birds in The Hood

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Posted by Rafael Galvez on 21:56:01 09/25/07

In Reply to: Cape Florida: influx of migrants posted by Robin, Michelle, Liz

The Cape was THE PLACE TO BE this morning... but I had to put-in many hours at the studio so I could only dream of leaving.
So the HOOD it was for me: Cauley Square, GOULDS.

A lot of movement above, with many Black-throated Blues sucking the nectar of the fruiting mammoths out my window, and the lingering female Prothonotary (already here 2 weeks) piercing holes into the purple figs while bullying others. Throw-in a few Cape Mays, Summer and Scarlet Tanagers, a gorgeous Baltimore Oriole, a dash of Redstarts and Prairies, and the Chuck-will's-widow that scared the White-winged Doves, and you get the picture.

Below, a Worm-eating worked the bramble while a Black-and-white came and went. Ovenbirds seemed numerous - 4 were within sight at one point, and if it can be said then it seemed the same for Northern Waterthrushes, I must have had at least 3 out back. But sadly no thrushes.

Hurrah for our 2 weather mentors- and our 3 fabulous banders!

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