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Posted by Megan on 20:26:40 09/07/07
In Reply to: ENP Birds and Flies posted by Jeff Toll
I will add a few birds to Jeff's list from a trip to ENP Thursday. I will also echo the sentiment of the deer flies...they were quite aggressive and more pesty than mosquitos, as hard as that is to believe.
At Lucky Hammock:
Ovenbird (along with Prairie)
Summer Tanager
Lucky Hammock Area:
Chestnut-sided warbler
Short-tailed hawk
Several buntings (drab females)
Huge flock of purple martins
Bank and Cliff swallows as well
Inside the park, approximately 15-20 Eastern Kingbirds flocking together. Greater yellowlegs (3) and Barn Swallows at the Hole in the Donut.
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