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Posted by Jeff Toll on 16:22:10 09/07/07
Lots to see in ENP if you can deal w/ biting flies. The coastal prairie across from the marina at Flamingo particularly active (and thanks to Ranger Christie). Eastern,western(immature), and gray kingbirds, great crested flycatchers,gnatcatchers, prairies, common yellowthroats, yellow-throated warbler, white-crowned pigeons, pileated and red-bellied woodpeckers, merlin, and osprey all in view. No cowbirds at 830 am. Large groups of Eastern Kingbirds, Barn, and (I think) Tree Swallows seen on the main road; lesser #'s of meadowlarks. Fair number of warblers flying over road near Coot Bay Pond. Good looks at Common Nighthawks approaching Hidden Lake.Nice male Harrier just outside gate over field by Lucky hammock, along w/ a pair of small buteos (Broadwing?). 1 Short-tailed Hawk seen from Anhinga Trail. Many Red-shoulders.Probably more if I could have strayed from the truck.Deer flies thick at mahogany hammock-no chance for a stroll.
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