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Posted by Toe on 15:57:40 09/05/07
In Reply to: fall migration? posted by David S.
From Birdbrains today:
At lunch today I went by Sugar Mill Gardes in Port Orange, Volusia County. The live oaks were alive with warblers. Between a 1 hour dawn foray over to Lake Woodruff NWR and lunch at Sugar Mill I found 14 species (or 15 types, if you include the Brewster s) of warblers and one Veery.
Of special note was a spectacular Brewster s Warbler. I was in the forested area on the east side of the park, when I found a load of warbler activity. I pished a huge group in that included a great look from 25 feet at a Brewster s Warbler. It showed of a bright yellow cap, completely white underparts, yellow wing bars and a crisp black line from the bill through the lores and slightly behind the eye. I was able to get many incredible looks as it foraged to within 25 feet.
Also in the group was a:
Golden-winged Warbler
Worm-eating Warber
Chestnut-sided Wabler
American Redstart
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Cape May Warbler
loads of tufted titmice, Great Crested Flycatcher, 5 Red-eyed Vireos, and lots of cardinals.
and at Lake Woodruff NWR:
Prothonotary Warbler
Northern Waterthrush 7
Pine Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
I may need to go back by on the way home tonight!
Michael Brothers
Marine Science Center
Ponce Inlet
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