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Posted by Larry "Cali-Boy" Wolski on 18:49:40 09/03/07
In Reply to: OK, I don't want to complain but.......... posted by Toe
Sorry bout the mix up....we've been holding all those birds hostage up here with the great weather...we've been seeing Kentucky, Hooded, Black-throated green, Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Blackburnian, Canada, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Prarie, Black and white, Proth-O-No-Tary, Redstarts, and Parulas up at Jackson Park in hendersonville, NC. They ARE passing through though, as numbers were changing of each species through the weekend. We'll send them down fer ya!
You guys keep searching the flats, sounds like you've had some good finds already! Good birding!
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