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Posted by Toe on 16:33:26 09/03/07
Migation is slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Last year's TAS walk on this date had 13 species of warblers, including a Cerulean. This morning, Trey and I had 4, with no Cerulean within 100 miles of us! We started at Royal Palm, then went to Pahayokee, then the Lucky Hammock/Annex, and finished at Cutler Wetlands. We saw a few birds, but very little in the way of neotropical migrants. Trey will probably posts a few photos shortly. We finished before 11:00 am. Some "notable" birds seen:
Yellow-throated Warbler (turnoff to research road)
Great-crested Flycatcher (Royal Palm and Annex, I think)
Least Flycatcher (Anhinga Trail)
Alder Flycatcher (Annex)
Bobolink (Lucky Hammock)
Eastern Kingbird (one here, one there)
Barred Owl (Pahayokee)
Red Knot (Cutler Wetlands)
Birds not seen today:
Cerulean Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Tennessee Warbler (OK, it's a little early for this one)
Kentucky Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Wood Thrush
Snail Kite (I mean, cant' we have a Snail Kite Pleeeaaassse)
Lark Sparrow
and or course,
Hudsonian Godwit
I sure hope migration picks up soon.
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