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Posted by tricia on 12:05:04 07/29/07
Anticipating nasty weather, EagleEye and I stayed close to home yesterday.
We did however make a quick run to Dagny Johnson to look for EagleEye's life mangrove cuckoo.
Bird magnet that she is, one was located perched low and calling for her.
Also singing for her were many white eyed vireos.
The only thing singing for me was deerflies.
On the way home, the car automatically headed for Lucky Hammock.
We were headed out on 344th street when two SWTks were spotted low over the road and hunting the trees at the road edge.
Approaching the turn to Lucky Hammock , we were swarmed by swallows.
The western edge of the fields held 4 sandhill cranes (two in rusty summer plumage)that have been there for at least a week.
It was fun to see two of them displaying and dancing briefly.
The storm clouds chased us away and brought me home to the computer to research spotting scopes.
Does anyone have a spotting scope to recommend? Or pointers on how to choose one?
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