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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 22:47:01 07/28/07
In Reply to: Wilson's Phalarope, Cutler Wetlands, 7,28 posted by Toe
More shorebirds have arrived at Cutler Wetland. I also saw the Wilson's Phalarope near where Toe saw his land. I saw two and almost dismissed them for Black-necked Stilts floating on the water instead of wading. They were far enough away that they weren't easily noticed. There were many more Pectorals today.
Wilson's Phalarope (2)
Pectoral Sandpiper (15-20)
Stilt Sandpiper (4)
White-rumped Sandpiper (3)
Long-billed Dowitcher (2)Humpback-barring flanks
Dowitcher Sp. (10)
Semi-palmated Sandpiper (12)
Least Sandpiper (100+)
Western Sandpiper (6)
Semi-palmated Plover (5)
Killdeer (24)
Lesser Yellow-legs (15)
Greater Yellow-legs (5)
Black-necked Stilts (30+)
Least Tern (6)
Caspian Tern (2)
Usual waders in good numbers
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