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Posted by Toe on 14:15:41 07/09/07
In Reply to: A Flamingo at Cutler Wetlands! posted by Jocelyn
Don't call this an escapee so quickly. First, wild Greater Flamingo have been seen at Black Point in the past, and it's < 1 mile from Cutler Wetlands. Secondly, I saw a pair about 4 years ago fly over my house with a kettle of Turkey Vultures, and I live just 10 minutes from Cutler Wetlands. Nice yard bird, huh? Thirdly, I lived in Hialeah for 20 years and never saw the captive Flamingoes flying around. They seem to stay put in the old race track. A wild Flamingo has just as much chance of ending up at Black Point or Cutler Wetlands as it has at Snake Bight, so I would caution everyone to keep an open mind right now. Yes, this means you too B.P.
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