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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 15:58:12 05/29/07
We decided to spend our Memorial Weekend in New Symrna and Merritt Island. Here is the list we mentioned we would post from May 27 & 28 below:
14 Florida Scrub Jay (endangered)
3 Downy Woodpecker
1 Great Crested Flycatcher
1 American Kestrel
7 Great Egret
30 Cattle Egret
4 Bald Eagle (flying over)
20 Osprey
3 Swallow-tailed Kite
1 Broadwinged Hawk
5 Red-Bellied Woodpecker
25 Northern Cardinal
30 Boat Tailed Grackle
27 Red Winged Blackbird
5 Brown Thrasher
5 Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
10 Carolina Wren
3 Tri Colored Heron
4 Great Blue Heron
1 Reddish Egret
4 Gull billed Tern
2 Laughing Gulls
5 Herring Gulls
6 Common Tern
1 Brown Pelican
4 Cave Swallow
5 Tree Swallow
2 Meadowlark
2 Willet
1 Ovenbird
1 Rufous Sided Towhee (heard)
2 Eastern Towhee (1 heard & another seen)
2 Glossy Ibis
5 Eastern Kingbird
6 N.Mockingbird
1 Loggerhead Shrike
50 Black & Turkey Vulture
1 Gopher Tortoise (endangered)
2 Florida Scrub Lizard (endangered)
Our trip was awesome.
We added 2 new life list for both of us.
We also saw 3 endangered species (1 bird).
It was beautiful to see so many more trees than there is left in South Florida. Well good luck birding today to all.
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