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Posted by Angel & Mariel on 23:10:21 05/20/07
Today we planned on going to ENP but at six this morning we woke up to a rainstorm and decided to sleep in. We headed out to Homestead around three o'clock, we stopped on SW 328 street at the canal. Overlooking the speedway foraging the farm land were 26 White Ibis, 8 Blacknecked Stilt (first for us), 20 Red-Winged Blackbird, 2 Cattle Egret and a couple others we could not identify in the distance.
We continued on to Biscayne NP where we found some more birds. We saw the following:
2 Loggerhead Shrike
5 Mockingbird
10 Turkey Vulture
5 Black Vulture
1 Great Egret
20 White Ibis
7 Red winged Blackbird
7 Laughing Gulls
1 Little Blue Heron
2 Gray Kingbird (at sundown as we were walking to our car)
3 Gull-Billed Tern
4 Common NightHawk (flying above canal as we were driving out)
KillDeer (heard them around sundown - not sure how many)
15 Purple Martin
(flying around P.Martin house by the bait shop at sundown)
It was a good Sunday birding.
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