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Posted by Robin Diaz on 19:01:35 05/09/07
As usual in spring, when WSW winds kick in, the passerine migrants arrive at Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP. In addition to numerous birds already grounded during the night, birds poured into the west side of the park all afternoon. Anyone birding the paved bike path had a treat.
Numbers below reflect what was seen in a very small segment of the north hammock; < 3 acres. Extrapolate for the remaining 427 acres in the park and you get the sense of magnitude. Connecticut Warbler (6 new), Common Yellowthroat (300+), Blackpoll (250+), Ovenbird (100+), Northern Waterthrush (50+) plus Black-throated Blue and American Redstart, both in good numbers and singing. Black-whiskered Vireos, Black-and-white and Magnolia Warblers and Painted Buntings still around. Special entertainment provided by a singing Veery.
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