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Posted by Trey on 21:50:15 04/24/07
In Reply to: Cutler Wetlands, 4/24, Shorebirds and no SQWA posted by Toe
I had stopped at Matheson Hammock on the West side of Old Cutler Rd. and birded the area around the service road and the hammock to the north.
I only saw two birds. One Prothonotary and one Cape May warbler.
I also stopped at Sadowski and walked the park. Saw some Cedar Waxwings, BT Blue and a Cape May.
Toe missed a few on the list for Cutler Wetland.
Black-necked Stilt
Glossy Ibis
American Coot
Not to pile on Toe, but....
My year list for Florida is 231 and I didn't reach that number until September 22 last year.
So overall I have seen a greater variety so far this year. I also know that Toe is way ahead of where he was on his BIG YEAR in 2005.
I must agree that the numbers of bird this spring seems to be quite limited for us here in Dade County.
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