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Posted by Toe on 21:11:18 04/24/07
Hey, it's not like I'm not looking for birds. It's just frustrating for me to know there are great birds seen in other parts and not in our little turf. I just want to break the ice, not fall through it. Trey and I checked out Cutler Wetlands this afternoon and found a good bunch of shorebirds. In a quick check from the edges, we found;
White-rumped Sandpipers (2)
Stilt Standpipers (5 or 6)
Long-billed Dowitchers (2)
Short-billed Dowitchers (at least 10)
Dowitcher sp. (many. unlike the above, they didn't call, but some are getting full alternate plumage and I suspect there are more than 2 LBs)
Semipalmated Sandpipers (many)
Least Sandpipers (many)
Western Sandpipers (2)
Semipalmated Plover (many)
Lesser Yellowlegs (many)
Greater Yellowlegs (a few)
Solitary Sandpipers (2 or 3)
Black-necked Stilt (many)
Ruddy Turnstone
Least Tern
Blue-winged Teal (a few)
Mottled Duck
Glossy Ibis
American White Pelican (2)
Wood Stork
Cave Swallow (a couple)
However, I'm upset that we did not see:
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
American Golden Plover
Wilson's Phalarope
Curlew Sandpiper
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Little Stint
Mountain Plover
Pacific Golden Plover
Eskimo Curlew
Now do you understand my frustration?
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