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Posted by Rock Jetty on 18:10:31 04/24/07
You know, some folks check the TAS Birdboard, anxiously awaiting a posting from one of our more experienced birders, such as Toe, bringing us the good news of a recent sighting, but not to read the postings of one of our more frustrated birders, such as Toe, complaining about how slow spring migration has been so far...Yada-Yada-Yada.
Heck, I remember looking forward to seeing Toe's postings, because I knew he had something good to report. Now I hear about the Dry Tortugas this and Fort DeSoto that...Yada-Yada-Yada. So we're not getting the same numbers or the same species, so what. I know a lot of birders, beginners and experienced alike, who were just as happy to go to A. D. Barnes last week and witness a smaller but yet just as rewarding spectacle...I was one. Some folks are just as happy to go out and see a Blue Jay, good for them! Fort DeSoto: been there done that (several times), Dry Tortugas: the same, both great places. But this is our turf and I recall times when those folks up there wish they were seeing what we were seeing down here.
Now stop complaining (this goes for everyone) and go out and bird! If you want to let your frustrations out, call me, I'll listen to you vent, but let's leave the Birdboard for the birds...the real ones, not the imaginary ones, like Squat Warbler and so on.
Angry Jetty
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