Re: Great-horned Owl nest at Tree Tops/P.I. ridge

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Posted by drappaport on 01:45:47 02/20/07

In Reply to: Great-horned Owl nest at Tree Tops/P.I. ridge posted by Paddy Cunningham

I was also unable to find Great Horned Owl at this location. Your directions were very good except at the point you describe what tree it is to the right of the trail. There are several trees to the right
that i looked at high and low but had no luck. I realize that you can't put up a neon sign that says" GREAT HORNED OWL" but is there anyway you could be just a little more specific. Is it the 1st tree to the right of the butterfly sign on the trail. Thank you for your help because this sounds like a great find as I've never seen a great horned owl out in the field.

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