Poking around ENP

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Posted by Robin Diaz on 20:50:57 01/16/07

Taking advantage of the recent great bird sightings, I poked around Lucky Hammock and ENP today. I picked up 13 warbler species without going to Royal Palm or Long Pine Key. Lucky/Annex were birdy, as was Research Road very early but Flamingo area was the most entertaining. The Scissor-tailed Flycatchers and Western Kingbirds were close to the road and put on a show.

In a *single* binocular view = 3 Baltimore Orioles + female Orchard (her different color tone stood out), Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Western Kingbird, Indigo Bunting, Savannah Sparrow + background audio = Least Flycatcher, Blue-headed Vireo and Yellow-throated Warbler. A birding couple arrived just as I was leaving and seemed underwhelmed. However, I thought it was Cool Beans.

Birds of interest (to me), in no particular order:
Lesser Nighthawk (early on Research Road)
Barred and Great Horned Owls
Yellow-throated Vireo
Brown-crested Flycatcher (where Toe found it recently at eastern terminus of Research Road); gave whit and chatter calls
Least Flycatchers (Lucky Hammock and Flamingo)
Short-tailed Hawks (3; 1 light-morph being chased from its perch by a gang of Western Kingbirds)
Yellow-breasted Chats (2; Lucky Hammock, including 1 eating ficus fruit)
Baltimore (3) and Orchard (1) Orioles
Painted and Indigo Buntings
sharp-tailed sparrows (3); one was very cooperative and sat up for a while; its plumage was "crisp" with whitish throat, defined streaking on breast, sharp facial pattern and very little white streaking on the back --> probable Saltmarsh

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