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Posted by John Boyd on 07:23:14 01/15/07
In Reply to: Vireo posted by Larry Manfredi
Matt Heindel's Birding article on Vireo ID (Dec 1996) says to look at the 1) cheek/throat contrast, 2) head color, 3) crown/back contrast, and 4) extent of white in the tail.
There is strong throat contrast (Blue-headed), the head is dark, contrasting stongly with the back (Blue-headed). Can't tell about the tail (neutral).
All the yellow underneath is also a good sign for Blue-headed, but not definitive enough to be a field mark.
Although it is a weird vireo, I don't see any reason to think it's a Cassin's (or even has Cassin's ancestry).
I've lightened up one of Larry's photos in order to see the vireo better.
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