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Posted by John on 22:45:05 01/12/07
In Reply to: that Scaup posted by Mark Faherty
The above is a comparison of the two scaups that I hope will be of interest.
Unfortunately, and unnecessarily, as in most other endeavors, there are always a few self-appointed "insiders" in the birding hobby who, while sometimes admittedly possessing admirable expertise, nonetheless seem to feel that they alone are entitled to an opinion, and that no one else's counts. On this very board a few days ago I committed the "offense" of simply venturing an opinion on a scaup photo, and in return I unaccountably received an unbelievably rude and curt response from an individual who took it upon himself to scold me for somehow "taunting" him. I had no idea what he was even talking about. I had thought, apparently mistakenly, that this was intended as an open forum that welcomed input from anyone and everyone simply interested in birds. This particular individual instead imagined this forum to be his private place where he was entitled to conduct an entirely private exchange with only those he considered to be in his own little "accepted" group. Isn't that what e-mail is for?
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