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Posted by Alex Harper on 20:45:42 01/06/07
In Reply to: Dade Birding/Everglades Trip 1/4-6 (Part Two) posted by Alex Harper
After a much needed pit stop at the Flamingo marina for microwavable pizzas, we set out in search of more birds.
Flamingo Visitor Center flats-
American White Pelican
Reddish Egret
Black Skimmer
Open area across from Visitor Center
Western Kingbird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Orchard Oriole- female
Indigo Bunting
Flamingo Campground, Trailer Loop-
Vermilion Flycatcher- female, associating with Eastern Phoebe
Eco Pond-
Mottled Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Greater Scaup- after getting our own looks at it, instead of over a computer screen
Red-breasted Merganser
Lesser Yellowlegs
Spotted Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Flamingo Campground-
Soccer until dusk
Flamingo Campground, C Loop-
Instead of Lesser Nighthawk, we saw flying over the marsh a... female Short-eared Owl. After getting back to the car I looked through the field guides and we decided it was a female of the nominate race. The black at the wing tips was obvious, and the bird was fairly rufous with a good amount of streaking. Very cool bird.
Mahogany Hammock road at night-
A Barn Owl was also seen on the way back to the park from Denny's.
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