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Posted by Toe on 21:35:59 09/20/06
This morning I went to Royal Palm/Lucky Hamnock/Annex in hopes the weather produced a warbler fallout. It didn't, at least not there. I saw 10 warbler species, including several Northern Waterthrush and a Chestnut-sided. I later went by Dump Marsh for ducks and none yet. I just realized, however, that I had almost as many flycatchers as I had warblers. I had 7 species, with a possible eighth. This has been a pretty good flycatcher season, I think. The flycatcher list.
1. Eastern Kingbird
2. Gray Kingbird
3. Great-crested Flycatcher
4. Eastern Wood Peewee
5. Acadian Flycatcher (one on Old Ingraham Hwy. near Gumbo Limbo)
6. Least (one at Lucky, one at Dump Marsh)
7. Alder Flycatcher (Annex, calling, and Larry was there as well to make sure it called!)
8. silent Traill's Flycatcher (one at Lucky, one at Royal Palm parking lot, didn't call)
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