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Posted by Trey Mitchell on 16:24:22 08/23/06
In Reply to: Lucky Hammock and Annex - Alders still there, 8/23 posted by Toe
Toe called me as he was leaving the annex and gave me his report. I decided
to head down and see for myself.
No luck with the Barred Owls, but I saw everything else plus Red-bellied WP,
Downy WP, Flicker, Great Crested Flycatcher, Indigo Bunting (female) and Coopers
Hawk in flight. Most of the birds were on the east side of the road and the
lighting was horrible. It was difficult to locate the birds in the camera and
they were moving around constantly. So only a few shots taken.
The two Alders I saw were calling and chasing each other in the trees about
10-15 ft off the ground. But they were fairly distance considering the poor
lighting for photos.
Female Orchard Oriole
Large Black Bee
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Great Crested Flycatcher
Downy Woodpecker
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