Posted by Marcello Gomes on October 07, 2015 at 03:20:11
Yesterday in the late afternoon I was about to leave when I noticed two ducks in the water by the jetty where the ocean meets the intracoastal waters. Bird was far and lighting not optimal. I could see them in my binoculars briefly and they looked about the size of a Razorbill to me. I noticed them diving quickly under and coming back a few minutes later. Got a couple not-so-great ID shots before the birds dove under again and did not resurfaced for over 10 minutes and I gave up. I believe this to be the first record for Palm Beach County. Seems that on Ebird they start showing up (or being noticed) in early to mid November in and around Merritt Island (2hrs driving from Boynton Beach). I thank A&M, Brian Hope, and others for their help with the correct ID! Had never seen one in my life....until yesterday.