As "catbird season" approaches here in South Florida, the attached article is interesting. We're happy to see the first Gray Catbirds arrive but we tend to take them for granted afterward. With a 60% annual survival rate and a long life (longevity record is almost 18 years), these birds have a strong site fidelity both on breeding and wintering grounds. So, the catbirds wintering in our yards may be returning year after year.
At Cape Florida Banding Station (Key Biscayne), returning banded Gray Catbirds show up every fall. Birds have returned that we banded in 2004 and 2007! We get unusual catbirds, including one banded in Cuba and one with a partially leucistic tail. This net-happy, common and underappreciated bird is actually quite handsome. It's been a "first" for many volunteers training in extraction and banding.