Miami CBC Results

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Posted by Brian Rapoza on December 29, 2020 at 00:28:35

A total of 14,266 individuals of 122 species (123 taxa: 113 countable, 10 non-countable) were tallied by 29 participants during the 51st annual Miami-Dade Christmas Bird Count on December 19, 2020. No new birds were added to the checklist this year and only two unusual birds were tallied: Barn Owl, seen during count week, and a Nashville Warbler, seen on count day. New high counts were obtained for Egyptian Goose, Blue-winged Teal, Indian Peafowl, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Orange-winged Parrot and Cape May Warbler. Eleven parrot species and eighteen warbler species were seen during the count. Remarkably, the exact same number of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were seen in 2019 and 2020! Here are the totals: Graylag Goose-8 Egyptian Goose-206 Muscovy Duck-260 Mallard (feral)-6 Mottled Duck-34 Blue-winged Teal-46 Ring-necked Duck-28 Red-breasted Merganser-7 Helmeted Guineafowl-6 Indian Peafowl-25 Common Loon-1 Pied-billed Grebe-8 American Flamingo (Hialeah Park flock)-188 Wood Stork-11 Magnificent Frigatebird-12 Northern Gannet-2 Double-crested Cormorant-265 Anhinga-15 Brown Pelican-207 Great Blue Heron (Blue form)-35 Great Egret-49 Snowy Egret-4 Little Blue Heron-15 Tricolored Heron-11 Cattle Egret-71 Green Heron-23 Black-crowned Night-Heron-9 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron-26 White Ibis-1200 Black Vulture-51 Turkey Vulture-1300 Osprey-45 Sharp-shinned Hawk-2 Cooper's Hawk-3 Red-shouldered Hawk-8 Broad-winged Hawk-1 Short-tailed Hawk-5 Red-tailed Hawk-3 Common Gallinule-71 American Coot-114 Limpkin-1 Black-bellied Plover-197 Piping Plover-7 Killdeer-55 Spotted Sandpiper-7 Greater Yellowlegs-4 Ruddy Turnstone-38 Sanderling-260 Wilson's Snipe-1 jaeger sp.-1 Laughing Gull-1470 Ring-billed Gull-125 Herring Gull-13 Lesser Black-backed Gull-21 Great Black-backed Gull-1 Royal Tern-150 Sandwich Tern-1 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)-770 Eurasian Collared-Dove-835 Common Ground-Dove-2 White-winged Dove-12 Mourning Dove-150 Barn Owl (count week) Ruby-throated Hummingbird-12 Belted Kingfisher-16 Red-bellied Woodpecker-144 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-16 Downy Woodpecker-4 American Kestrel-53 Merlin-4 Peregrine Falcon-1 Monk Parakeet-37 Yellow-chevroned Parakeet-7 Orange-winged Parrot-69 Chestnut-fronted Macaw-20 Blue-crowned Parakeet-39 Green Parakeet-4 Crimson-fronted Parakeet-6 Scarlet-fronted Parakeet-4 Mitred Parakeet-49 Red-masked Parakeet-12 White-eyed Parakee-9 Eastern Phoebe-14 Great Crested Flycatcher-1 Loggerhead Shrike-26 White-eyed Vireo-5 Yellow-throated Vireo-2 Blue-headed Vireo-7 Blue Jay-105 Fish Crow-930 House Wren-1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-286 Gray Catbird-22 Northern Mockingbird-170 European Starling-1950 Common Myna-15 Ovenbird-6 Worm-eating Warbler-1 Northern Waterthrush-1 Black-and-white Warbler-28 Orange-crowned Warbler-4 Nashville Warbler-1 Common Yellowthroat-14 American Redstart-25 Cape May Warbler-11 Northern Parula-65 Magnolia Warbler-1 Black-throated Blue Warbler-14 Palm Warbler-270 Pine Warbler-13 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)-200 Yellow-throated Warbler-25 Prairie Warbler-26 Black-throated Green Warbler-1 Savannah Sparrow-2 Northern Cardinal-50 Painted Bunting-10 Common Grackle-300 Boat-tailed Grackle-500 Spot-breasted Oriole-3 Baltimore Oriole-1 American Goldfinch-2 House Sparrow-150 Thanks to the following participants for making these results possible: Miriam Avello, Joe Barros, Bill Boeringer, John Boyd, John Camp, Andrea Diamond, Nancy Freedman, Lawrence Gladsden, Luis Gles, Elizabeth Golden, Luis Gonzalez, James Jones, Lyndy Lambert, Natalie Mahomar, Larry Manfredi, Bianca Mijares, Joseph Montes de Oca, Dennis Olle, Alice Pace, Robert Pace, Stephen Paez, Gary Pappas, Lorena Siqueira, Leigh Emerson Smith, Bertha Vazquez, Facel Vega, Steve Woodmansee and Xu Zhang.

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