TAS A.D. Barnes Bird Walk Report, 12/01/19

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Posted by Luis A Gonzalez on December 01, 2019 at 19:20:29

A total of 10 birders joined me today for a memorable morning in A.D. Barnes during the Thanksgiving weekend (some even thanking me for the light exercise). But equally as important were the birds seen and counting some pre-walk birds seen only by a few early to arrive like, a total of 50 species were seen! Some of the highlights of the walk Blue-and-yellow Macaws and Common Mynas, which were flyovers seen only by the early arrivals. But for those that arrived on time, a good variety of birds were still showing for the whole walk, including 12 species of warblers, a pair of vocalizing Broad-winged Hawks, a band of White-crowned Pigeons on the wires showing off in the morning light with side by side comparison to Eurasian Collared-Doves, a territorial Hermit Thrush at the entrance to the trail from the parking lot area, and a very obliging Summer Tanager that never said no to the attention of some happy birders. The walk dragged on a bit since we were unable to return from the way we came when going to the cars, and sadly some species seen earlier in the week, such as Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, and Great Crested Flycatcher, along with some normally seen wintering/resident birds, like the Ovenbird, Green Heron, Cooper's Hawk and most parakeet species, were missing for the day. But overall, the weather was great, the birds were showing, as usual for my trips a variety of new birders joined me and many great experiences were had. Bird Checklist: Muscovy Duck (9) White-crowned Pigeon (5) Eurasian Collared-Dove (8) Mourning Dove (1) Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1) Common Gallinule (2) Ring-billed Gull (3) Anhinga (1) Double-crested Cormorant (1) Great Blue Heron (1) Great Egret (1) Cattle Egret (1) White Ibis (29) Turkey Vulture (13) Osprey (1) Broad-winged Hawk (2) Belted Kingfisher (1) Red-bellied Woodpecker (2) American Kestrel (1) Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (2) Blue-and-yellow Macaw (5) Eastern Phoebe (1) White-eyed Vireo (1) Blue-headed Vireo (3) Blue Jay (9) Fish Crow (1) Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (27) European Starling (7) Common Myna (2) Gray Catbird (2) Northern Mockingbird (6) Hermit Thrush (1) Red-winged Blackbird (24) Common Grackle (1) Boat-tailed Grackle (4) Black-and-white Warbler (5) Orange-crowned Warbler (1) Common Yellowthroat (2) American Redstart (6) Northern Parula (2) Magnolia Warbler (2) Black-throated Blue Warbler (3) Palm Warbler (21) Pine Warbler (6) Yellow-rumped Warbler (4) Yellow-throated Warbler (1) Prairie Warbler (3) Summer Tanager (1) Northern Cardinal (6)

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